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    [L2J- Interlude] L2 Warpgate - Prometheus X10 (March 1St 2014)


    Mensagens : 1
    Data de inscrição : 08/08/2012

    [L2J- Interlude] L2 Warpgate - Prometheus X10 (March 1St 2014) Empty [L2J- Interlude] L2 Warpgate - Prometheus X10 (March 1St 2014)

    Mensagem por HMSUPERSTYLIN

    [L2J- Interlude] L2 Warpgate - Prometheus X10 (March 1St 2014) Warpgatetitle

    Hello Community, L2 Warpgate is back! 

    We would like to invite you to L2 Warpgate's Prometheus that will launch March 1st 2014, with an OBT from February 26th to 28th. 

    Besides having Experienced Staff, Prometheus will always bring you the best Hardware and Software Support, and keep you Daily Updated. 

    Some of Prometheus features: 

    Chronicle: Interlude 

    10x Server Rates 

    Improved Economy System 

    Special Hunting Zones: Antharas Lair / Monastery of Silence / Imperial Tomb / Primeval Isle 

    Improved Skills System 

    Improved 7 Signs System: 1 Week - Full 7 Signs Cycle 

    Auto Consume Feature 

    Clan and Master Ring Feature 

    Improved Grand Opening: Bring a minimum of 20 Clan Members and get some rewards to help you start! 

    Active staff And much more... 

    For more information about the server and our community, check our Warpgate Page: 
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      Data/hora atual: 18/9/2024, 18:02