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    [L2J] L2 Warpgate x30 - Interlude


    Mensagens : 16
    Data de inscrição : 12/10/2011

    [L2J] L2 Warpgate x30 - Interlude Empty [L2J] L2 Warpgate x30 - Interlude

    Mensagem por DreamzOr

    Website: http://lineage2warpgate.com/
    Forum: http://boards.lineage2warpgate.com/
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook...ineage2Warpgate
    Twitch Streaming: http://www.twitch.tv/lineage2warpgate
    [L2J] L2 Warpgate x30 - Interlude Featuresfinais
    Pre-Opening EVENTS
    Bring your clan to L2 Warpgate Eritheus x30 & Win 10.000 CRP!
    Advertise L2 Warpgate Eritheus x30 & WIN *W.C.* for LIVE!
    Register L2 Warpgate Forums & Win *W.C.* for LIVE!
    COMMENT + LIKE => Warpgate Coins!

    Última edição por DreamzOr em 25/10/2014, 17:01, editado 1 vez(es)
    Compartilhar este artigo em: reddit


    Mensagem 25/10/2014, 17:00 por DreamzOr

    Due to 2 New Server Machines acquirements:

    - L2 Warpgate Host Machine
    - Eritheus x30 Server Machine

    Our November 1st Scheduled Grand Opening will be delayed to November 8th (17:00 GMT UK Time - no time changed)

    We sincerely apologize, but we prefer starting with the right Foot then wrong one.

    Mensagem 29/10/2014, 10:55 por DreamzOr

    And we are back! With New Host!

    If for some reason our Website / Forum don't work for you during some moments, its cause of DNS Fully propagation.
    You can still keep track of it here: Global DNS Propagation Checker

    Mensagem 31/10/2014, 11:39 por DreamzOr

    [L2J] L2 Warpgate x30 - Interlude Forumimage

    Mensagem 5/11/2014, 21:51 por DreamzOr

    Our Info Pages have been updated: 
    - Custom Drop Info
    - Raids Soul Crystal
    - Custom Items Info
    - Raids Custom Drop Info

    Mensagem 7/11/2014, 23:35 por DreamzOr

    12 Hours Left (y)!

    Mensagem 12/11/2014, 14:14 por DreamzOr

    Server is getting slowly populated, there are already wars pvp and raid bosses killed, join people and try out Server.

    Mensagem 16/11/2014, 12:52 por DreamzOr

    more then 200 Online!

    Mensagem  por Conteúdo patrocinado

      Data/hora atual: 18/9/2024, 17:17